If you have had a lifetime's pleasure from bridge, why not help ensure its future by leaving a legacy to English Bridge Education & Development in your Will? Any amount, large or small, will be put to excellent use.
After providing for your family and friends you may wish to leave a charitable gift in your will. Regardless of the size, legacy gifts are vital in helping charities be able to continue their work. Many people like to think that they would leave a gift in their will, but only 7% actually do!
Gifts left in wills are really important to charities. However, even if you haven’t made a will, making a pledge to leave a gift in your will in the future would really help charities find out about your future intentions and enable them to plan for the future.
Pledges are not legally binding so by filling out this form you are not committing yourself! You are simply allowing your chosen charity to confidently estimate future support for their causes. If you have already made a will, but you want to leave a legacy to a charity you can make an addition or change it without re-writing your current will. This addition is called a codicil.
To leave a legacy or make a pledge to your chosen charity, please download the appropriate form from http://www.charitychoice.co.uk/legacies and take it along to your solicitor.