The Junior Award Scheme - Diamond level
The skills which must be displayed to achieve this level are: |
Bidding |
Demonstrate 4th hand/protective bidding |
Understand the Law of Total Tricks |
Bid slams using splinter bids |
Use a forcing 2NT response system to 1Major openings |
Use unassuming cue bids (UCB) to aid competitive bidding |
Demonstrate a knowledge of common two-suited overcalls (such as Michaels Cue Bid or Unusual NT) |
Cardplay |
Demonstrate a trump coup |
Demonstrate coup en passant and elopements |
By playing, show that you are counting every deal you play |
Be able to explain Smith Peters |
Demonstrate a simple squeeze |
Playing |
Play regularly in a national event |
Attend a junior squad training session |
Continue to show high levels of ethics and behaviour at all times when playing |
The guidelines for teachers for assessing this level of the scheme are available here.