The Junior Award Scheme - Silver level
The skills which must be displayed to achieve this level are: |
Bidding |
Use simple takeout doubles |
Understand what is meant by a conventional bid |
Use the Stayman convention in response to an opening 1NT |
Bid hands to slams using Blackwood |
Make a natural overcall of 1NT after an opening bid |
Use strong opening bids |
Cardplay |
Count winners |
Establish tricks by ducking in a suit |
Make extra trump tricks by ruffing losers in a suit |
Lead the correct cards from suit holdings |
Make the correct defence based on partner's opening lead |
Establish a suit by using ruffs |
Demonstrate a cross-ruff play |
Playing |
Play regularly at school (or in a club) |
Show courtesy and respect to partner and opponents at all times |
Understand bridge scoring |
The guidelines for teachers for assessing this level of the scheme are available here.