Minibridge Resources

If you are teaching a group of children or young people you can make use of these resources. If you would like to know more about setting up some bridge play or a bridge club for your school or other organisation, see our Youth Handbook page. Please also see the Junior Award Scheme page where you can find details of the Minibridge criteria for the award.

MiniBridge Teaching Hands

Deal files Pbn

Deal files lin

MiniBridge crib sheet

No Fear Bridge has a fantastic MiniBridge learning website which is separate from their main site and is completely free. Link to the MiniBridge site click here

RealBridge have kindly provided us with this extra set of Slam hands which can be used for either MiniBridge or Bridge.

MiniBridge Slam pdf

MiniBridge Slam pbn

Please support EBED

We have made these resources available for FREE but please remember that we are a charity and our funding contributes to the support of our work in schools and education. If you are able to make a donation to EBED, via the CHARITIES AID FOUNDATION you can do so with this link. Thank you in advance, for your support, which helps to fund the continuation of bridge for all generations.